We are all in this together.
This breath of life that is present in this atmosphere, for us to breathe, live, be…
This chair… that I am sitting in, was a tree once in a jungle and then somebody carved out a chair from it. Now, here I am sitting on it, connecting with you…
you see how we are all in this together.
Even a thought, where we separate ourselves, as an ego self, single, lone, separated oneself from the whole.
We feel low, weak, insecure and we suffer in some way or the other, emotionally low, this way of that…and the moment one starts to ponder the truth that WE ARE ONE, then this thought itself starts to generate high vibration in each cell of our being.. and the heart starts to thrive.
Truth is like that…
Like this the sun up there that we all are sharing and this earth where we get all nourishment from.. is one.